

April 4, 2024

Grammar Breakdown

Today's grammar lesson comes from a single section of one book in our latest Biographies of Great Japanese Figures digital bundle.

Each book contains two versions of a biography of a great Japanese figure such as Tezuka Osamu, the godfather of Japanese manga. One version is in simple Japanese for beginners using mostly JLPT N5 and N4 grammar and vocabulary. The other version is in natural Japanese best for intermediates. However, beginners who rigorously engage with the vocabulary, grammar, and the initial essay should find themselves well-prepared to approach the intermediate essay as well.

Before each version of the essay, you'll find a comprehensive vocabulary list and detailed grammatical breakdowns akin to what's illustrated in this lesson.

(to become able to; to come to)

Verb [plain form] + ようになる

   This construction is used to express a change that has taken place over time, often as a result of practice, learning, or some form of adaptation. It means "to become able to" or "to come to be in a state where one can."

Sentence from Essay:


Translation and Vocabulary

Example Sentences:


Translation and Vocabulary


Translation and Vocabulary

[Subject Marker]

Noun + + Verb

The particle が is used to mark the subject of the sentence or the subject of a clause. It identifies who or what is performing the action or is in a particular state. While it doesn’t always correspond with what we would call the “subject” in English, you can still think of it as “marking the subject of the phrase.” For example, in the sentence provided, you can think of the が as marking  (bugs/insects) is the subject of the “liking.”

Sentence from Essay:


Translation and Vocabulary

Example Sentences:


Translation and Vocabulary


Translation and Vocabulary

[To continue doing something]

-Masu Stem of Verb + ける

(はたら)(つづ)ける (a compound verb) is formed by the “ます-stem of (はたら)く (to work) + (つづ)ける (to continue)”. Add (つづ)ける to add “continue” to the meaning of a verb.

Sentence from Essay:


Translation and Vocabulary


Example Sentences:


Translation and Vocabulary


Translation and Vocabulary

[Using; by means of]

Noun +

"で" is used to indicate the means by which something is done. In this case, the anime was broadcast "on television."

Sentence from Essay:


Translation and Vocabulary

Example Sentences:


Translation and Vocabulary


Translation and Vocabulary


Translation and Vocabulary

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