

October 26, 2017

油を売る Sell Oil (slang: goof off when you should be working)

油を売る (あぶら う   )

slack off

abura o uru
lit: sell oil (slang: goof off when you should be working)

油 abura oil
売る uru to sell

石油 seki yu - oil (black stuff) [I]
油田 yu den - oil field [A]
サラダ油 sarada yu - salad (cooking) oil [I]
売り場 uri ba - market place [B]
売り切れ uri kire - sold out [B]

Joe, give me another one.



jo-, hontou ni abura o utte mo, dare mo shinjite kuremasen yo.
Joe, even when I truly sell oil, no one believes me!

  • ジョー jo- - Joe [The cliche bartender]
  • 本当に hontou ni - really; truly [This is one of those "if you were lost in Japan with only 100 words" words]
  • 誰も dare mo - nobody [the も is often added to show nothing: nanimo = nothing; itsumo = always (never a when)]
  • 信じる shinjiru - trust; believe; have faith
  • 信じてくれません shinjite kuremasen - won't believe [KUREMASEN actually means won't receive; won't receive belief
  • よ yo - emphatic

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