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The Kanji Readings & Meanings
たのむ:らいたのもしい:たよ- to rely on, ask 依頼 irai - request, commission
信頼性 shin rai sei - credibility, authenticity
たまごらん - an egg 生卵 nama tamago - raw egg
産卵 san ran - laying eggs
たみみん - people 国民 koku min - citizens, people of a country
民主主義 min shu shu gi - democracy
民俗学 min zoku gaku - folklore
たより:べんびん - convenient, post 航空便 kou kuu bin - air mail
水洗便所 sui sen ben jo - flush toilet
たんみじか- short 短歌 tan ka - a 31 syllable Japanese poem
短期大学 tan ki dai gaku - 2 year college; community college
短調 tan chou - minor key in music
たん - single 単身赴任 tan shin fu nin - transfer without family; the father working in another city
単独会見i tan doku kai ken - exclusive interview
だん - talk 怪談 kai dan - ghost story
冗談抜き jou dan nuki - no joking, jesting aside
だん - step 手段 shu dan - means, way
段ボール dan bo-ru - cardboard
にゅうちち - milk 豆乳 tou nyuu - soy milk
哺乳動物 ho nyuu dou butsu - mammal
じる:はじじらう - shame ずかしい - shy 恥ずかしがらないで hazukashi garanaide - don't be shy
赤恥 aka haji - shame
ちく - livestock 家畜 ka chiku - domesticated animals, cattle
畜産 chiku san - stock breeding
ちゅうむし - insect 毛虫 ke mushi - catepillar
弱虫 yowa mushi - a weakling, coward
虫眼鏡 mushi megane - magnifying glass
虫歯 mushi ba - cavity (tooth)
ちゅうはしら - pillar 氷柱 tsurara - icicle
電柱 den chuu - telephone poles
ちゅうなか - intermediary 仲介者 chuu kai sha - middleman, go-between
仲間 naka ma - partner, friend, comrade
仲好し naka yoshi - intimacy, being on good terms
ちゅう - outer space 宇宙基地 u chuu ki chi - space station
宇宙人 u chuu jin - alien, space man
宙返り chuu gaeri - somersault
ちゅう - stationed 駐車場 chuu sha jou - parking lot
駐屯所 chuu ton jo - military station, post
ちょ - lay up 貯金 cho kin - savings, save money
貯水池 cho sui chi - reservoir (of water)
ちょう - government agency 環境庁 kan kyou chou - environmental agency
県庁 ken chou - prefectural headquarters
ちんめずらしい - rare 物珍しい mono mezurashii - curious
珍奇 chin ki - strange, rare, novel
みやこ - metropolis, city 首都 shu to - capital city
姉妹都市 shi mai to shi - sister cities
ついえる:ついやす - expense 運動費 un dou hi - campaign fund
消費者 shou hi sha - consumer
つかまえる:らえる:らわれる:る:つかまる - catch,arrest 逮捕状 tai ho jou - arrest warrant
生け捕り ike dori - capture alive
つからす:つかれる - tired お疲れ様 o tsukare sama - thanks! nice job
肉体疲労 niku tai hi rou - dead tired, beat & worn out
く:ける - attach, add 受付 uke tsuke - reception, reception desk
寄付 ki fu - contribution, donation
く:とつ - dash, thrust 煙突 en totsu - chimney
正面衝突 shou men shou totsu - head-on collision
突然 totsu zen - suddenly
つつむ:ほう - envelop, wrap (a present) 小包 ko zutsumi - package, parcel
縫い包み nui gurumi - a stuffed toy
つとめる: - exert 努力 do ryoku - effort, endeavour
努める tsutomeru - to exert oneself, make an effot
つとめる: - duty 義務 gi mu - duty, obligation
医務 i mu - medical affairs
つのる: - raise 募集 bo shuu - recruiting, taking applications
募金 bo kin - raising of funds
つぶりゅう - grain 米粒 kome tsubu - a grain of rice
雨粒 ama tsubu - raindrop

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By Clay & Yumi