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The first five episodes are presented here for free! However, to gain

When 何 is なに and when it is なんMakoto+ Members, click here to

Makoto+ Members, click here to view another manga breakdown and download all

Today's grammar lesson comes from a single section of one book in

Counters ABOUT: ■  Japanese is full of counters. These helper words give information about

∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for

∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for

For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then

Today, let get the "postage stamp, cut, come, wear, and listen" problem

Quick! What's the difference between these two words?おばさんおばさんおばあさんおばあさんCalling a middle-aged lady, 「おばあさん」

∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for

Eat, Sell, Buy… Fights? In JapaneseIn Japanese, there are a few verbs

~ようとおもうthinking of doing; planning to…今年(ことし)は日本(にほん)に帰国(きこく)しようと思(おも)います。Click for and Englishthis year | as for

Japan's class system, shaped by ancient Chinese concepts, used the 士農工商(しのうこうしょう) model

There are many expressions which use body parts in Japanese. Let’s take

~ようとおもうthinking of doing; planning to…今年(ことし)は日本(にほん)に帰国(きこく)しようと思(おも)います。Click for and Englishthis year | as for

For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then

~ようとおもうthinking of doing; planning to…今年(ことし)は日本(にほん)に帰国(きこく)しようと思(おも)います。Click for and Englishthis year | as for

Read the news, cultural articles, and history notes in levelsHow to improve

For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then

かおがひろい顔(かお)が広(ひろ)いWhat does this idiom mean? First, let's break it down literally:かお顔(かお)  face(pitch accent

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**The fun Japanese not usually found in textbook**

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  • Anime Phrase of the Day
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  • Japanese Readers and sooo much more
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