

March 5, 2023

Eating Phrases in Japanese

How to say I'm hungry, nay, I'm starving! in Japanese

And how to say I'm stuffed too...

Eating. It happens. 

Let’s look at a few phrases to help us when we are starving and when we are stuffed. 

Starving Phrases


I’m hungry [In conversation, the が can be dropped. This is the most standard and safest way to express hunger.]


I’m hungry [はら is another way to say “stomach.” This can be rude in some situations. Mostly only used by males among male friends. Literally, “stomach decreased.” Notice it uses the same kanji (stomach) but is pronounced differently.]


I’m hungry [The same as above, but less rude and with お(なか) instead of (はら)]


I’m hungry [A cute way to say it. This sounds childish, but could be a fun way to express hunger.]

Stuffed Phrases


 (I’m) full [Stomach full]


(I’m) full. [Also, stomach full; 満 full 腹 stomach]


 (I) can’t eat any more [もう (any more); ()べられない (to be not able to eat)]


 [This literally means “stomach 80%.” It is used when you are almost full, but not stuffed. It is the proper time to stop eating.]

I'm stuffed in Japanese

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