The above Japanese is 家に関する言葉 ie ni kan suru kotoba which means "words related to the house." Here are a few useful vocabulary words you may find around the (Japanese) house. Download and print the crossword worksheet, listen to the vocabulary words, and, at the bottom, take a quiz!
いす Chair [kanji: 椅子]
ベッド Bed
ふとん Futon [kanji: 布団]
まくら Pillow [kanji: 枕]
もうふ Blanket [kanji: 毛布]
たんす Chest of drawers; dresser [kanji: 箪笥]
ほんだな Bookshelf [kanji: 本棚]
テーブル Table
まど Window [kanji: 窓]
ピアノ Piano
エアコン Air Conditioner
テレビ TV
リモコン Remote Control
コンピュータ Computer
ラジオ Radio
でんき Light [kanji: 電気]
Rooms and Parts of House
ドア Door
いま Living Room [kanji: 居間]
ろうか Hallway [kanji: 廊下]
しんしつ Bedroom [kanji: 寝室]
トイレ Bathroom
だいどころ Kitchen [kanji: 台所]
やね Roof [kanji: 屋根]
げんかん Entrance [kanji: 玄関]
ざしき Japanese Style Room [kanji: 座敷]
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