

October 21, 2022

間 Vocabulary – Let’s learn vocabulary using the kanji 間

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On: カン; ケン
あいだ; ま

Meaning: interval; space

Kanji Parts:

  • 門 (gate)
  • 日 (sun with a dot on its head)


  • The sun rises through the interval or space of the gates .


  • 時間(じかん) time
  • 昼間(ひるま) daytime
  • 居間(いま) living room

The kanji 間 means "interval" or "space" and, as you should expect, when combined with other kanji, it adds a spatial or interval meaning to the word.

Kanji is fun that way. 

You can build meaning by adding meaningful parts, In this way, *sometimes* you can actually guess the meaning of unknown words as long as you know the meaning of the kanji.

Learning words (and therefore kanji) in groups is a good way to quickly increase your vocabulary since our brains are wired to look for meaning and similarities.

Read through each example and example sentence and try to understand the meaning.(あき)

(あいだ) as 「あいだ」 (interval; space)

First, let's look at a few usages of the kanji as a word by itself. We'll start with the「あいだ」 reading.


Vocabulary & Translation

() as 「ま」 (time; pause; space)

And now an example with the「ま」 reading.


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間 words using the 「かん・げん」 readings

There are many common words that use 間 with the 「かん」 reading such as:

時間(じかん) (time; hour)


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瞬間(しゅんかん) (moment; second; instant)


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期間(きかん) (period; term; interval)


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民間(みんかん) (civilian; non-governmental; private)


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空間(くうかん) (space; room)


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And one with 「げん」

人間(にんげん) (human being; man)


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間 words using the 「ま」 reading

And here are a few with 「ま」.

昼間(ひるま) (daytime; during the day)


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仲間(なかま) (companion; fellow; friend; mate)


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手間(てま) (time; labor)


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隙間(すきま) (gap; opening; spare moment; interval; break) 


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合間(あいま) (interval; break; pause; spare moment)


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This lesson is totally free, but, as usual, MakotoPlus.com members get supplemental content for this lesson. If you are a member, please click here to download a printable PDF, Anki flashcard deck with sound, and all the sound files.

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