May 17, 2022

Learn Japanese with Anime and Manga

Can you learn Japanese with anime or manga?

Learn Japanese with anime and manga lessons

Well, we still recommend beginners use a textbook to get the basics of grammar and sentence structure down, but using anime or manga to supplement your studies can be a fun and motivational building way to improve your Japanese. And as with anything as complicated as learning a foreign language, keeping motivation up is crucial.

In these audio and video lessons, we walkthrough lines or sections of famous anime or manga episodes. Read (or watch) real Japanese, work with us as we go line-by-line, and, by the time you finish each lesson, you'll be able to understand and enjoy at least that section.

We currently have lessons using One Piece, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., and Crayon Shinchan. More will be coming soon. Leave any requests below in the comments. Most lessons have bonus content for Makoto+ members. (Click here to learn more about Makoto+)

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