

May 30, 2021

Makoto e-Zine – A Monthly Digital Magazine for Beginners of Japanese

If you are learning Japanese, don't miss Makoto, a digital magazine with all the good stuff not usually found in textbooks. Beginning-level hiragana readers, upper beginner to intermediate-level readers, Japanese proverbs, jokes, cultural asides, and more all with several eBook formats and MP3 sound files of all the Japanese found within.

Want a sample? Sure! Click here to download the complete first issue. Please note, we have added and improved the magazine since then. The later issues are better! 

We've also prepared the first issue as a Flip PDF here. When you purchase any issue or a subscription, you will receive the actual eBook files (PDF, ePub, and Kindle MOBI) as well as the MP3 sound files.

If you like our e-zine, we have several bundle options to save on the back issues:

Become a Makoto+ member today for only a few dollars a month for Samurai level or Shogun level. Both membership levels give you access to the latest issue (as a download and web version), weekly podcast extras, weekly sentence breakdowns, haiku, and much more. The benefit of Shogun is it gives you immediate access to all previous lessons and ALL Makoto issues in web format. Click here to subscribe.

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Level up your Japanese!


For Total Beginners

Japanese for beginners - Beri-Beri Shoshinsha

This 15-book study guide + worksheets bundle is ON SALE. For just one-time payment only, you will get this bundle for a very low price plus you will get future contents for free (no additional charge).

Easy to follow and understand

This bundle is perfect for absolute beginners. It's thorough without being wordy, giving you exactly enough information to understand the concepts without overloading you with information. 

TheJapanShop.com Customer

Makoto+ Membership

You'll notice many TheJapanesePage.com lessons have bonus content for Makoto+ Members. Well, membership goes well beyond that. Members also get our monthly magazine for learners of Japanese (Beginners to Intermediates), weekly exclusive lessons, Podcast bonus content, and much more.
