
接吻 (せっぷん)

kiss (archaic)

kiss (old word)

接 setsu come into contact with, receive
吻 fun

直接 choku setsu - direct, immediate [I]
面接 men setsu - interview [B]



gojira wa seppun shiyou to kiti chan ni chikazuita ga, nigerareta.
Approaching her, Godzilla tried to kiss Hello Kitty, but she ran away.

  • ゴジラ gojira - Godzilla [The Japanese gojira comes from gorira (gorilla) and kujira (whale)]
  • しよう shiyou - decided to do something (kiss her)
  • キティちゃん kiti chan - Hello Kitty
  • に近づいた ni chikazuita - come close to; approach
  • が ga - but [connects the two phrases]
  • 逃げられた nigerareta - uses the passive of 逃げる nigeru (to run away, escape) so she got away

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