Kanji: 使 use
JLPT N4 | 8 Strokes
On: し Kun: つか.う Meaning: use |
Kanji Parts:
- 亻 person [variation of 人]
- 丈 a big ruler (this meant a unit of measurement. I'm calling it a BIG ruler since it looks like 大 and it deals with measurement.
- 口 mouth; opening
Mnemonic Story:
A person 亻 uses a big ruler 丈 to measure his mouth 口.
Stroke Order:
- 大使館【たいしかん】 embassy
- 使用【しよう】 use; application; utilization
- 無駄遣い【むだづかい】 waste (of money or time); squandering
I will go to the embassy to get my passport.
- 大使館 embassy
- に to
- パスポート passport
- 取りに行く to go get