Kanji: 同 same
JLPT N4 | 6 Strokes
On: どう Kun: おな.じ Meaning: same |
Kanji Parts:
- 一 one; floor
- 冂 upside-down box; enclosure
- 口 mouth; opening
Mnemonic Story:
When people gather in an enclosed space 冂 and speak with one 一 mouth 口, they agree and are the same.
Stroke Order:

- 同じ【おなじ】 same; identical; equal
- 同情【どうじょう】 sympathy; compassion; pity
- 同感【どうかん】 same feeling; same setiment; same opinion
I also agree.
- 私も me too; I also
- 同感 agree; same feeling; same opinion
- だ (copula)