Kanji: 夜 night; evening
JLPT N4 | 8 Strokes
On: や Kun: よる Meaning: night; evening |
Kanji Parts:
- 亠 lid
- 亻 person [variation of 人]
- 夂 walking legs
- 丶 dot
Mnemonic Story:
A person 亻 puts on a hat 亠 and grabs a cane 丶 to go walking 夂 for an evening stroll.
Stroke Order:
- 深夜【しんや】 late at night
- 今夜【こんや】 this evening; tonight
- 徹夜【てつや】 staying up all night
(I will) go shopping at a convenience store late at night.
- 深夜 late at night
- コンビニ convenience store
- に to
- 買い物 shopping
- に行く to go (for the purpose of shopping)