Picture a sheep that loved to tinker and build. One day, it created an incredible sculpture out of wool, astonishing everyone. This sculpture was so different (差) from anything else, a perfect blend of a sheep's (羊) natural gift and the art of craftsmanship (工).
Stroke Order:
差別 discrimination; distinction [a combination of 差 (difference; gap) and 別 (separation; distinction), referring to the act of treating someone or something differently, often in a negative context.]
格差 qualitative difference; disparity
時差 time difference [It combines 時 (time) with 差 (difference; gap)]
Example Sentences:
Translation and Vocabulary
He is against discrimination.
彼 he; boyfriend
は as for [topic marker]
差別 discrimination; distinction
に to; at [target or direction marker]
反対 opposing; against [反対する: to oppose]
している doing; engaging in [ている form indicates an ongoing action or state]
Translation and Vocabulary
The price difference between these two products is large.
この this; these
二つ two (things) [used for counting objects]
の of [possessive or descriptive particle]
商品 product; merchandise
価格差 price difference
は as for [topic marker]
大きい big; large
です is; are [polite ending]
Translation and Vocabulary
The time difference between America and Japan is 13 hours.
アメリカ America
と and; with [used to connect nouns]
日本 Japan
時差 time difference; jet lag
は as for [topic marker]
13時間 13 hours [時間: hour, time]
です is; are [polite ending]
Translation and Vocabulary
There was a big difference in the test results.
試験 exam; test
結果 result; outcome
に in; at [target or direction marker]
大きな big; large [na-adjective form used before a noun]
I wasn’t very consistent with it–sorry–but many kanji dictionaries will show hiragana for kun readings (native Japanese readings) and katakana for on readings (“Chinese” readings). It’s to help distinguish the two.
That’s how it is here, but you mention that it’s the opposite (hiragana for on and katakana for kun). Was that a mistake or are there some kanji pages like that?
Whoops! You are right. Totally inconsistent. I’ll fix that ASAP. I’m slowly polishing old pages and trying to give the entire site a more consistent look. Let me know if you find others.
Will do. I love all of the content that you and Yumi San create. Thank you for your dedication!
{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
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Clay-San, I don’t understand why this Kani has Hiragana for On and Katakana for Kun. The Kanji for hand also has Hiragana for On and Katakana for Kun.
I wasn’t very consistent with it–sorry–but many kanji dictionaries will show hiragana for kun readings (native Japanese readings) and katakana for on readings (“Chinese” readings). It’s to help distinguish the two.
That’s how it is here, but you mention that it’s the opposite (hiragana for on and katakana for kun). Was that a mistake or are there some kanji pages like that?
Thank you, I realized I should have commented on this page. https://www.thejapanesepage.com/understanding-手てを出だす-and-手てを差さし出だす-compound-verbs-in-japanese/
That’s where I’m seeing the hiragana for on and katakana for kun.
Whoops! You are right. Totally inconsistent. I’ll fix that ASAP. I’m slowly polishing old pages and trying to give the entire site a more consistent look. Let me know if you find others.
Will do. I love all of the content that you and Yumi San create. Thank you for your dedication!