Kanji: 池 Pond
JLPT N2 | 6 Strokes
On: チ Kun: いけ Meaning: pond; cistern; pool; reservoir |
Kanji Parts:
- 氵 water
- 也 archaic “to be”; think of it as a scorpion
The pond had both water 氵 and scorpions 也--be careful as you approach the water!
Stroke Order:
- 池沼 ponds and swamps
- 電池 battery
- 人工池 artificial pond
Old pond / A frog jumps in / Splash! / Silence again.
A haiku by Matsuo Basho
- 古 old; ancient
- 池 pond
- や [ya is a kireji (cutting word) that sets the haiku rhythm and also makes it sound more dramatic.]
- 蛙 frog [かわず is the old word for frog; nowadays it is かえる]
- 飛び込む jump into
- 水 water
- 音 sound