Kanji: 休 yasumu Rest
JLPT N5: 29 / 100 | 6 Strokes
On: キュウ Kun: やす・む Meaning: rest; vacation |
Kanji Parts: 亻 person (人); 木 tree
Mnemonic: A person 亻 rests on a tree 木
Stroke Order:
- 夏休み natsu yasumi – summer vacation
- 昼休み hiru yasumi – lunch break
- お休みなさい oyasuminasai – Good night!
Example Sentence:
yasunda hou ga ii.
We had better rest.
- 休んだ rest [while this appears to be in the past tense, it is only conjugated so to work with "hou ga ii"]
- ほうがいい it would be better to (rest) [To learn more and see more examples about this useful construction, please see here.]