July 5, 2023

Bicycle in Japanese 自転車 and チャリンコ and ママチャリ

Japanese has a few common words for “bicycle”. Let’s examine them with several example sentences.

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The most common and general word for “bicycle.”


I went to the office by bicycle today.

  • 今日(きょう) today
  • は topic particle; indicates the topic of the sentence
  • 自転車(じてんしゃ) bicycle
  • で particle; used to indicate means or method
  • 会社(かいしゃ) company; office
  • に particle; used to indicate the direction or destination
  • ()きました past form of "go"; indicates a completed action


A slangy way to say “bicycle.”


Is that a new bike?

  • この this
  • チャリンコ bike; a casual term for bicycle
  • 、 punctuation; similar to a comma in English
  • (あたら)しい new
  • の particle; used here to make an explanatory statement or question [The particle "の" (no) at the end of a sentence can be used to make an explanatory statement or question. In this context, it turns the adjective "(あたら)しい" into a question, asking if the bike is new. This kind of question can feel more casual and conversational in Japanese.]


A shortened form of the previous slang for a bike.


Could you lend me your bike?

  • チャリ bike; a casual term for bicycle
  • 、 punctuation; similar to a comma in English
  • ()して verb; te-form of "()す", to lend; used here to make a request
  • くれない? auxiliary verb; it's a negative form of "くれる", which means to do something for me; when used in question form, it is a way of making a polite request


Bicycle often used by mothers and women usually with a basket and sometimes a childseat.



She goes to the supermarket every day on her bike.

  • 彼女 (かのじょ )she
  • は topic particle; indicates the topic of the sentence
  • 毎日 (まいにち )every day
  • ママチャリ a practical bicycle with a basket or a child seat; often used by mothers in Japan for daily tasks
  • で particle; used to indicate means or method
  • スーパーマーケット supermarket
  • に particle; used to indicate the direction or destination
  • ()きます go [polite of ()く (to go)]
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