Our popular Hiragana and Katakana iPhone app (it's free!) has a quiz function that rewards or scolds the user when a correct or incorrect choice is made. If you have an iPhone or iPad and want to learn hiragana, click here to install this free app.
A user asked what these phrases meant.
1) お見事 omigoto - well done! bravo
2) 正解 seikai - correct
3) 素晴らしい subarashii - wonderful
4) すごい sugoi - cool; amazing
5) やったね! yatta ne - hooray; whoopee
1) 違います chigaimasu - wrong; incorrect
2) はずれ hazure - miss; failure; (the word found in losing game pieces: sorry, try again)
3) もう一回 mou ikkai - one more time
4) おしい oshii - close; almost, but not quite; disappointing
Exactly what I hoped for but did not know how to formulate the request. Thanks