The pronoun question word, "who," is primarily 誰 in Japanese. The honorific form is どなた. This is usually written in hiragana, but the kanji is 何方 (literally, what honorable person). Another honorific used in the same way is どちら様.
Use どなた both to show respect to the person with whom you are conversing and for the person you are referring to.
For example, you might say どなたですか? when speaking to or asking about someone who is older or higher up socially. Also, in situations such as answering the phone or the door when you are uncertain who you are talking to, use どなた or どちら様.
■ 誰が好きですか? Who do you like?
■ 誰でしょう? Who do you think?
Other Forms:
■ 誰も no one [Takes a negative verb.]
-> 誰も来ませんでした。 No one came
■ 誰でも anyone
-> 誰でも連れてきてください。 Bring anyone.
■ 誰か someone
-> 誰か英語が話せる人はいますか? Is there someone who can speak English?