June 29, 2021

JLPT N5 Grammar: Days of the Week – Counting days and Months in Japanese


■  The days and months in Japanese are pretty straight forward. Let's learn the days of the week, the months, and then a few "special" words to expand our vocabulary.

Main kanji: 日 day; 週 week; 月 month; 年 year

Days of the Week: You'll notice the ending stays the same: 曜日(ようび)

For more on days and time, see here.

Names of the Month: For the name of the month, simply add がつ after the number. Pay special attention to the bold areas.

Days of the Month: The first ten days of the month have a number of unexpected variations.


Here are a few other words that are useful for telling the date.

何曜日(なんようび) What day of the week? [What "ようび"?]
(せん) (previous): 先週(せんしゅう) last week; 先月(せんげつ) last month; [But, "last year" is the irregular 去年(きょねん).]
(らい) (next): 来週(らいしゅう) next week; 来月(らいげつ) next month; 来年(らいねん) next year
(まい) (every): 毎日(まいにち) every day; 毎週(まいしゅう) every week; 毎月(まいつき) every month; 毎年(まいとし) every year

And within a few days. These are all irregular and often written in hiragana too.

■ 明日(あした) tomorrow [明 (bright; clear) + 日 (day)]

■ 昨日(きのう) yesterday [昨 (past; previous) + 日 (day)]

■ 明後日(あさって) day after tomorrow; two days from now [明 (bright; clear) + 後 (after; behind) + 日 (day)]

■ 一昨日(おととい) day before yesterday; two days ago [一 (one) + 昨 (past; previous) + 日 (day)]

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  • You probably mentioned tomorrow and yesterday in another page, but maybe it is nice to add those two words (明日  and 昨日) as irregular to the ‘other forms’? Perhaps also add the day before tomorrow (明後日 あさって ) and the day after yesterday ( 一昨日 おととい)?

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