This story is part of our Learn Japanese with Stories Bundle #2 digital bundle and it includes an Anki flashcard deck as well as the sound files and eBook formats. Purchase the bundle for two dozen more stories such as this one. Or Makoto+ Shogun or Lifetime members can download the book for free by clicking here.
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Kicchomu’s Ferryboat with Definitions
Mouse over any kanji for the furigana
- むかしむかし long ago; once upon a time
- あるところに in a certain place [あるところ (a certain place; ある (some; certain) + ところ (place)) + に (in; expresses animated and unanimated existence)]
- きっちょむさんという (someone) named Kicchomu [きっちょむさん (Kicchomu; さん is an honorific suffix which means Mr., Mrs., or Miss that can be used with both first and last names and both genders) + という (named; is used to define, describe, and generally just talk about the thing itself)]
- とても面白い人 very interesting person [とても (very; exceedingly) + 面白い (interesting; fascinating; enthralling) + 人 (person; man; people)]
- がいました there was/were [polite past form of がいる (there is/are; to be (living things)); how to form: Noun + がいました]
- きっちょむさんの住んでいる村には in the village where Kicchomu lives [きっちょむさん (Kicchomu) + の (modifier) + 住んでいる (live; living; has/have lived; ~ている is used to express ongoing actions; how to form: Verb て-from + いる) + 村 (village) + には (in; puts more emphasis and restriction on the preceding word)]
- 大きな河 big river [大きな (big; large; great) + 河 (river; stream); both 川 and 河 mean “river” and are pronounced “kawa;” 川 is the general kanji for river and 河 is for a large river]
- がありました there was/were [polite past form of がある (there is/are (non-living things)); how to form: Noun + がありました]
- この河には over this large river; on the river [この (this; these; the) + 河 (river; stream) + には (on; over; puts more emphasis and restriction on the preceding word)]
- 橋がありませんでした there was no bridge [橋 (bridge) + が (emphasizes the preceding word 橋) + ありませんでした (there was no; polite negative past form of ある (to be; to exist; to have))]
- 人々は people [人々 (people; men and women) + は (indicates the sentence topic)]
- 船を使って use a boat to (cross the river) [船 (boat; ship; watercraft) + を (indicates 船 as the direct object of action) + 使って (use; て form of 使う (to use (a thing, method, etc.)) which is used to express a means for a subsequent action)]
- 河を渡っていました had crossed the river; was/were crossing the river [河 (river; stream) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 渡っていました (from 渡る (to cross over; to go across); ~ていました is the polite past form of ~ている (used when you talk about something that frequently happens); how to form: Verb て-form + いました)]
- 船をこぐ人 the person who rows the boat [船 (ship; boat; watercraft) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + こぐ (to row; to paddle) + 人 (person; people)]
- のこと regarding...; all the things about the (the person who rows the boat) [has a “focusing” feature and lets you know that the subject has a certain quality; how to form: Noun + のこと]
- 船頭と言います is called a boatman (sendou) [船頭 (sendou; boatman; ferryman) + と言います (called; named; that ~); how to form: Noun + と言います]
- ある日 one day; (on) a certain day [ある (certain; some) + 日 (day)]
- 船頭さんが the boatman [船頭 (boatman; ferryman) + さん (politeness marker; is used after a noun or sometimes な-adjective) + が (identifies who performs the action)]
- 病気になりました became ill; got sick [polite past form of 病気 になる (become ill; fall to the disease); 病気 (illness; disease; sickness) + になりました (became; polite past form of になる (to become)); how to form: Noun + になりました]
- どうしても necessarily; by any possibility; at every cost; simply; all anyhow; no matter what
- 仕事を休まなければなりません have to take off from work [from 仕事を休む (take off from work; absent from work; miss work; get off work); ~なければなりません means “must do something; have to do something”; how to form: Verb (ない form) な
い + ければなりません]
- そこで so; accordingly; therefore; then
- きっちょむさんに頼みました asked Kicchomu a favor [きっちょむさん (Kicchomu) + に (expresses the object of the verb) + 頼みました (asked a favor; polite past form of 頼む (to request; to ask; to beg; ask a favor of somebody))]
- 「」(quotation marks; “ “)
- 今日だけでいいから just for today [今日 (today; this day) + だけ (just; only; no more than) + でいいから (just … would be enough; I don’t want more than …); で is used to express what you want and shows your feeling of compromising]
- 船頭の仕事 work of the boatman [船頭 (boatman; ferryman) + の (of; modifier) + 仕事 (work; job; labor)]
- 船頭の仕事を代わってくれないか can you take over the work of the boatman for me? [船頭の仕事 (work of the boatman) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 代わってくれないか (can you take over for me?; from 代わる (to take over for; to take the place of); ~てくれないか is used to ask someone to do something for you politely; how to form: Verb て-form + くれないか)]
- おお oh; ah
- いいよ okay; sure; no doubt; OK; my pleasure; of course [いい (OK; fine; all right; good) + よ (sentence ender showing emphasis and certainty)]
- まかせなさい leave it to me; I’ll take care of that; I can handle it [from まかせる (to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to); ~なさい is a suffix that is used to make polite commands or directions. Avoid using it with anyone who is in a higher social standing than you. How to form: Verb
ます (stem form) + なさい]
- こういうわけで and thus; this is the reason; this is why [こういう (this; such; like this; こう (refers to the speaker’s location or idea) + いう (to declare; to say; to call)) + わけ (reason; is a useful and very common word used to indicate the reason for something) + で (て-form of です (be; is) which is used to connect to the next phrase)]
- 船頭の仕事をすることになりました ended up doing the work of the boatman [船頭の仕事 (work of the boatman) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + する (to do; to perform; to carry out) + ことになりました (ended up; turned out that..; polite past form of ことになる (it turns out that; it has been decided that); how to form: Verb (dictionary/ない form) + ことになりました)]
- 村の人 villagers; people of the village; village people [村 (village) + の (of; modifier) + 人 (people; person)]
- 旅の人たち travelers [旅 (travel; trip; journey) + の (modifier) + 人たち (people; たち is pluralizing suffix)]
- 村の人や旅の人たち villagers and travelers [村の人 (villagers) + や (and; or; connecting particle; how to form: Noun + や + Noun) + 旅の人たち (travelers)]
- きっちょむさんのところに to Kicchomu; to Kicchomu’s place [きっちょむさん (Kicchomu) + の (’s; indicates possessive; modifier) + ところ (place; site) + に (to; expresses direction and destination)]
- たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number
- やってきました came; came by [polite past form of やってくる (come by; come; come along; 「Verb (て-form) + くる」describes a motion coming toward the place where the speaker is)
- ひとりひとり one by one; each (person); one at a time; in turn
- ちゃんと properly; exactly; perfectly
- 船の渡し賃 fare for ferryboat [船 (boat; ship) + の (modifier) + 渡し (delivery; ferry (crossing); ferry (boat)) + 賃 (fare; payment; charge; fee)]
- 船の渡し賃を払います pay the fare for the ferryboat [船の渡し賃 (fare for ferryboat) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 払います (pay; polite form of 払う (to pay))]
- 一回の渡し賃は the fare for a one-way trip [一回 (once; one round; one time; 一 (one) + 回 (counter for occurrences)) + の (modifier) + 渡し (delivery; ferry (crossing); ferry (boat)) + 賃 (fare; payment; charge; fee) + は (indicates the sentence topic)]
- 八銭 eight sen [銭 (sen (hundredth of a yen))]
- ですis (8 sen)
- 一人 one person; a person [一 (one) + 人 (counter for people)]
- 一人の侍 one samurai; a samurai [一人 (one person) + の (modifier) + 侍 (samurai; warrior (especially of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period))]
- 一人の侍がやってきました a samurai came [一人の侍 (a samurai) + が (identifies who performs the action) + やってきました (came; polite past form of やってくる (come by; come; come along; 「Verb (て-form) + くる」describes a motion coming toward the place where the speaker is))]
- きっちょむさんにこう聞きました (the samurai) asked Kicchomu: [きっちょむさん (Kicchomu) + に (expresses the object of the verb) + こう (refers to what the speaker has asked) + 聞きました (asked; polite past form of 聞く (to ask; to query))]
- おい hey; oi; ahoy
- 船の渡し賃 ferry fare [船 (boat; ship) + の (modifier) + 渡し (ferry (crossing); delivery) + 賃 (fare)]
- いくらだ? how much? [いくら (how much) + だ (is used to emphasize the sentence and often used by men; it is a very “strong” way to end a sentence)]
- はい yes
- 八銭でございます It’s eight sen [八銭 (eight sen) + でございます (to be (honorific))]
- すると and; then; thereupon [can be used to begin a sentence or clause]
- 急に suddenly; quickly; immediately; rapidly
- 怖い顔になって put a stern expression on (his) face and; turn out to be a forbidding look on one’s face and [怖い顔 (grim face; angry look; forbidding look; stern look; scary expression; 怖い (scary; dreadful) + 顔 (face; look; expression)) + になって (て-form of になる (turn out to; become; come to) which is used to connect to the next phrase, creating the meaning of “and”)]
- とてもえらそうに言いました said in a very proud manner [とても (very; exceedingly) + えらそう (proud; conceited; important-looking; self-important) + に (is added after えらそうto turn it into an adverbial phrase) + 言いました (said; polite past form of 言う (to say; to utter))]
- 八銭とは eight sen is [八銭 (eight sen) + とは (describes the nature, content, or state of an event or a thing)]
- 高い expensive; high-priced
- な (casual suffix) [is used when you express your opinion or feeling; is generally considered to be “male speech”]
- 六銭にしろ make it six sen [六銭 (six sen) + に (expresses the result of change) + しろ (plain imperative positive form of する (to do))]
- 相手 other party; opponent
- 侍で samurai and [侍 (samurai; warrior) + で (て-form of です (be; is) which is used to connect to the next phrase, creating the meaning of “and”)]
- 刀を持っています with a sword; have a sword [刀 (sword (especially Japanese single-edged); katana) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 持っています (ています form of 持つ (to have; to possess; to carry) which is used to describe the appearance of the subject); how to form: Verb て-form + います]
- 逆らうと if (he) opposes (the samurai) [逆らう (to oppose; to go against; to defy; to disobey) + と (if; whenever [A] happens, [B] also happens); how to form: Verb (dictionary/ない form) + と]
- 何をされるかわかりません have no idea what will happen [何 (what) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + される (plain passive positive form of する (to do; to carry out)) + か (expresses the speaker’s uncertainty about something) + わかりません (have no idea; polite negative form of わかる (have a clue; get the idea; know))]
- 仕方なく have no choice but; reluctantly; out of need [仕方 (way; method; means; resource; course) + なく (continuative form of ない (to have not; not))]
- 侍を船に乗せました let the samurai on board [侍 (warrior; samurai) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 船 (boat; ship) + に (on; onto) + 乗せました (polite past form of 乗せる (to take on board; to give (someone) a ride; to carry))]
- もう少しで almost; nearly; close to; after just a bit more
- 向こう側の岸に to the other side of the bank [向こう側 (other side; opposite side) + の (of; modifier) + 岸 (bank; coast; shore) + に (to; expresses the direction and destination)]
- 着きそうになった時 when (they) had almost reached [着きそうになった (had almost reached; from 着く (to arrive at; to reach); ~そうになった describes the meaning of “something almost become out of control” and is usually used to mention a fact in the past; how to form: Verb
ます (stem form) + そうになった) + 時 (when; at this time; how to form: Verb (casual form) + 時)] - 侍に言いました (Kicchomu) said to the samurai [侍 (samurai) + に (to; expresses the object of the verb) + 言いました (said; polite past form of 言う (to say; to utter))]
- 六銭ですと for six sen [六銭 (six sen) + ですと (for; conditional clause; whenever [A] happens, [B] also happens)]
- ここまで up to here [ここ (here) + まで (up to; until; till)]
- でございます be; is [polite (teineigo) language]
- ここから先には行けません can’t go any farther from here [ここ (here) + から (from) + 先 (ahead; beyond) + には (puts more emphasis and restriction on the preceding word) + 行けません (can’t go; polite potential negative form of 行く (to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards)))]
- お侍様 samurai-sama [お (honorific/polite/humble prefix) + 侍 (warrior; samurai) + 様 (sama; honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, after a person’s name (or position, profession, etc.))]
- どうぞ降りてください please get off [どうぞ (please; kindly) + 降りてください (please get off; from 降りる (to get off); ~てください means “to ask someone to please do ~”; how to form: Verb て-form + ください)]
- 怒って angry and [て-form of 怒る (to get angry; to get mad) which is used to connect to the next phrase, creating the meaning of “and”]
- こう言いました said:; said so [polite past form of こう言う (say so); こう (refers to what the speaker has said) + 言いました (polite past form of 言う (to say; to utter))]
- なに? what?
- この河に入って get into this river and [この (this) + 河 (river; stream) + に (into; expresses direction and destination) + 入って (て-form of 入る (to go into) which is used to connect to the next phrase, creating the meaning of “and”)]
- 泳げ swim [plain imperative positive form of 泳ぐ (to swim)]
- というのか is that what you’re saying? (added at the end of a question to emphasize the question itself)
- そんなことはできない that’s impossible; such a thing cannot be done; can’t do such a thing [そんな (such; like that; that sort of) + こと (thing; matter) + は (adds emphasis) + できない (cannot; plain negative form of できる (can; to be able (in a position) to do))]
- 向こう岸に to the opposite bank [向こう (opposite side; other side; opposite direction) + 岸 (bank; coast; shore) + に (to; expresses direction and destination)]
- 行かないなら if (we) don’t go [行かない (don’t go; plain negative form of 行く (to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location))) + なら (if; in the case that ~)]
- 引き返せ!turn back! [plain imperative present indicative form of 引き返す (to turn back; to return; to go back)]
- はい、かしこまりました yes, certainly [はい (yes) + かしこまりました (certainly; polite language, in response to a request or instructions from a customer, superior, etc.)]
- 引き返すのなら if (we) turn back [引き返す (to turn back; to return) + の (nominalizer; turns the preceding verb into noun) + なら (if; in case; if it is the case that)]
- さらに another; additionally; on top of this; in addition
- 六銭いただきます charge (you another) six sen; (I) get six sen [六銭 (six sen) + いただきます (polite form of いただく (to receive; to get))]
- 合計で十二銭 that’s a total of twelve sen; for a total of twelve sen; with a total of twelve sen [合計 (sum total; total amount) + で (with; for; in) + 十二銭 (twelve sen)]
- でございます be; is [polite language]
- なに? what?
- 十二銭・・・ twelve sen …
- とても very; exceedingly; deeply
- 悔しそうな顔 a chagrined face [悔しそうな (looks chagrined; from 悔しい (frustrated (over a failure); chagrined; bitter; annoying); ~そうな means “seems like; looks like ~”; how to form: い-adjective +
い + そうな + Noun) + 顔 (face; look; expression; countenance)] - とても悔しそうな顔をしていました looked deeply chagrined [ていました-form of とても悔しそうな顔をする (look deeply chagrined) which is used to describe the appearance of the subject]
- がこう言いました but said [が (but; however) + こう言いました (polite past form of こう言う (say so; say); こう (refers to what the speaker has said) + 言いました (polite past form of 言う (to say; to utter)))]
- わかった okay; all right; I got it; I see; understood [plain past form of わかる (to understand; to see; to get; to comprehend)]
- もういい fine; that’s enough; drop it
- 八銭払うから (I’ll) pay eight sen, so ~ [八銭 (eight sen) + 払う (to pay (e.g. money, bill)) + から (so; because; since)]
- 向こう岸につけてくれ take me to the bank on the other side [向こう (opposite side; other side; opposite direction) + 岸 (bank; coast; shore) + に (to; expresses direction and destination) + つけてくれ (take (me) to; ~てくれ is used to ask someone to do something and typically used by men; how to form: Verb て-form + くれ; くれ is the imperative positive form of くれる (to let (one) have))]
- 侍から from the samurai [侍 (samurai; warrior) + から (from)]
- ちゃんと exactly; properly; perfectly
- お金をもらいました received the money [お金 (money) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + もらいました (received; polite past form of もらう (to receive; to get; to take))]
- その日一日働いて work throughout that day and [その (that; the) + 日 (day; days) + 一日 (all day (long); throughout the day) + 働いて (て-form of 働く (to work) which is used to connect to the next phrase, creating the meaning of “and”)]
- お客さんからもらった received from the passengers [お客さん (passenger; guest; customer; client) + から (from) + もらった (received; plain past form of もらう (to receive; to get; to take))]
- 病気の船頭さん sick boatman [病気 (illness; disease; sickness) + の (modifier) + 船頭さん (boatman; 船頭 (boatman; ferryman) + さん (politeness marker; is used after a noun))]
- お金を病気の船頭さんに渡したそうです it was said that (he) gave the money to the sick boatman [お金 (money) + を (indicates the direct object of action) + 病気の船頭さん (sick boatman) + に (to) + 渡した (gave; plain past form of 渡す (to give; to hand over; to hand in)) + そうです (it is said that ~; (I) heard that ~)]
- おしまい the end
This story is part of our Learn Japanese with Stories Bundle #2 digital bundle and it includes an Anki flashcard deck as well as the sound files and eBook formats. Purchase the bundle for two dozen more stories such as this one. Or Makoto+ Shogun or Lifetime members can download the book for free by clicking here.
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