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This manga was by 臼井儀人 who also did クレヨンしんちゃん. Like クレヨンしんちゃん, the manga portrays a somewhat typical Japanese family going about their lives, but instead of the silliness coming from the 5-year old しんちゃん, it comes from the “super housewife” 月美さん.
The manga is mostly a 四コマ漫画 which means most of the gag stories are finished in just four panels.
You could describe 月美さん as being マイペース. 「マイペース」is a fun katakana-English word that means “to do things at one’s own pace.” She does what she wants without much regard to how embarrassing it might be to her husband and daughters.
The Characters
The characters in today's lesson:
- 川越 月美 the “super housewife”
- 川越 日出男 her husband

The Setting
In today’s lesson, 日出男さん, the husband, is relaxing in his 布団 which is “Japanese bedding consisting of a mattress and a duvet.” It’s very warm and on a cold day, you may not want to exit from it. 日出男さん is relaxing under his covers while reading a book.
I think that is just a 布団 that he’s under, but it could also be a コタツ. The コタツ is perhaps Japan’s greatest invention ever. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but if you have ever used one in the middle of a cold winter, I think you will agree.
A コタツ is a table drapped with a heavy covering and underneath, there is a heat lamp that feels so good on a cold day. Once you get in a コタツ, it is very difficult to get out.
Key Phrase
The key phrase for today's lesson is:
やめろ is a command form of やめる (to quit; to stop).
The husband is telling his wife to “just stop it.” You’ll see why after reading the panels.
Ready to get started?
Please note, the scanned images are for educational purposes only and considered to be under fair use. This lesson is based on a comic strip from the スーパー主婦月美さん #5 manga. The manga is quite fun, please purchase the full manga for more.
First, try listening while reading along. Don't worry if you don't understand much. We'll break it down line-by-line below.

Panel 1
[月美さん] あなた
[日出男さん] ん?
Panel 2
[月美さん] 明日の朝食用のパンと牛乳 買い忘れちゃったから 近くのコンビニまで
Panel 3
[日出男さん] おいおい ネグリジェ姿じゃ はずかしいだろ やめろよ
Panel 4
[月美さん] だいじょうぶ パックしてるから 誰だかわからない
[日出男さん] やめろ
Dialogue Line-by-Line
Let's go through each panel, focusing on understanding the vocabulary.

[月美さん] あなた
[日出男さん] ん?
Vocabulary & Notes

Vocabulary & Notes

Vocabulary & Notes

Vocabulary & Notes

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