になる・になります to become; to result in; to change into

The verb itself is 「なる」 but except for -i adjectives (see the "How to Use" section), the に particle is most often used with it.
になります is a useful tool for expressing a change in state: "to become" or "change into."
になる or となる?!
A similar expression is 「となる」 (uses the と quotation particle rather than the に).
It means basically the same thing, but it may have the following differences/nuances:
- となる may sound more formal
- となる describes an unexpected or big change and になる covers all types of changes including expected changes.
- となる is often used in formal writing
- となる is only used with nouns + となる and verbs + こととなる. となる cannot be used with adjectives (but になる can).
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■ Nouns: Noun + になる
Example: 大人になる (to become an adult)
■ Verbs: Dictionary plain form + ことになる
Example: 行くことになる ((I'm) going to go.)
■ -na Adjectives: stem (minus the な) + になる
Example: きれいになりたい ((I) want to be beautiful.)
■ -i Adjectives: stem (minus the final い) + く + なる
Example: 眠い → 眠くなりました。 (I became sleepy.)
Next week, I'll become 40.
[next week | I | as for | 40 | age | will become]
Vocabulary & Notes
His face turned red.
[his | face | red | became]
Vocabulary & Notes
Since なる is a verb, it can be conjugated in normal ways:
- なる or なります to become (plain form and polite ます form)
- なった or なりました became (past)
- なっている or なっています is becoming (continuous present)
- ならない or なりません isn't becoming (negative)
- ならなかった or なりませんでした didn't become (past negative)
- なりたい want to become
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