にらみあい | にらみ nirami a glare | 相合傘 ai ai gasa - to share an umbrella with someone. (Has nothing to do with love (ai)) [A] |
hitotsu no umeboshi no sei de furanku to tomu wa niramiai ni natta.
And so it was one umeboshi that led Frank and Tom to lock eyes in challenge.
- 一つ hitotsu - one (object)
- 梅干し ume boshi - umeboshi (pickled plum) [If you like sour things, umeboshi is delicious. Great on gohan.]
- のせいで no sei de - because of this [sei and okage are similar in that they both mean [because of] but sei usually implies negative results and okage positive.]
- フランク furanku - Frank
- と to - and
- トム tomu - Tom
- になった ni natta - became [Their eyes became in a state of niramiai]