October 9, 2022

「○○の秋」 The Autumn of … | Japanese Expressions for Fall

It's autumn in Japan.


fall; autumn

The weather is mostly really nice. It's a time to do stuff while drinking pumpkin-flavored things.

And doing stuff (with or without the pumpkin) is what we will cover in today's lesson.

There are a number of useful phrases using the 「○○の(あき)」 form. This essentially means, "Autumn, the time for..."

Let's look at five such useful expressions using this form.


Autumn, the season of a good appetite

Fall brings fresh vegetables and fruits such as sweet potatoes, pears, chestnuts, persimmons, and fresh fish too.


Vocabulary & Translation


Autumn, the harvest season

We can only have the above phrase (食欲(しょくよく)(あき)) because of this phrase. The fall harvest is ready. Time to enjoy ripe fruit such as figs, grapes, pears, apples, and persimmons.


Vocabulary & Translation


Autumn, the best season for reading

And once you are well fed and with the comfortable weather and shorter days, there's more time for snuggling up with a good book (or eBook reader!). BTW, it appears this phrase was inspired by a line by 夏目漱石(なつめそうせき)'s 1908 novel, 「三四郎(さんしろう)」 where he mentions the fall is a good time to read. See our recent lessons using his 吾輩は猫である I am a Cat novel.


Vocabulary & Translation


Autumn, the best season for doing sports

Good weather means more time outside. More time outside means more activity and sports. Every year in October, Japan has a national sports day: 「スポーツの()」 (Prior to 2019, this was called 「体育(たいいく)()」)


Vocabulary & Translation


Autumn, the best season for enjoying art

It's a good time to travel to see art in museums. Fall is also when many art exhibits take place.


Vocabulary & Translation

Want more ○○の(あき)?

Good news! Our friend, めぐみ先生(せんせい) did a ポッドキャスト (podcast) on this subject and so did Yumi.

Click here for めぐみ先生(せんせい)のポッドキャスト

Click here for Yumi’s Nihongo no Tane episode on ○○の(あき).

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