

May 24, 2020

ほぼ Almost; Roughly; Approximately


Pronunciation: hobo

Meaning: almost; roughly; approximately

Kanji: 略 (usually written in kana)

JLPT Level: N3 vocabulary

Usage: Use before an amount, timeframe, size, or any other word that can be qualified by "almost."

Similar to: だいたい daitai , but ほぼ is closer to 100%.

Common examples:

ほぼ(おな)hobo onaji – almost the same; practically the same

hobo onaji saizu desu.
It's pretty much the same size.

ほぼ毎日(まいにち) hobo mainichi – almost every day; nearly every day

hobo mainichi nihongo o benkyou shite imasu.
I study Japanese nearly every day.

Other examples:

ほぼ100(ひゃく)(パーセント)  almost 100%; almost entirely

ほぼ(いっ)分続(ぷんつづ)く to last about a minute

ほぼ()(にん)一人(ひとり) about one out of every four people

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