When I Become a First Grader
Words by Mado Michio
Song by Yamamoto Naozumi
まどみちお作詞 山本直純作曲
Please Note: The Sound File only has the second and third verses
ichi nen sei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ichi nen sei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ともだち100人 できるかな
tomodachi hyakunin dekiru kana
I wonder if I can make hundred friends
- ともだち tomodachi – friend(s)
- 100人 hyaku nin – a hundred people
- できる dekiru – can; able
- かな kana – I wonder if…?
100人で 食べたいな
hyakunin de tabetai na
I’d like to eat with a hundred friends
- 100人で hyakunin de – with a hundred people (children)
- たべたい tabetai – want to eat (たべる to eat ~たい want to)
- な na – (stresses the thought)
富士山の上で おにぎりを
fuji san no ue de onigiri o
Eat onigiri on top of Mt. Fuji
- 富士山 fujisan – Mount Fuji
- の上で no ue de – on top of
- おにぎり onigiri – rice balls
- を o – (direct object marker)
パックン パックン パックンと
pakkun pakkun pakkun to
Chew, Chew, Chew
- パックン pakkun – (sound of chewing food)
- と to – (shows how they would eat the onigiri)
ichinensei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ichinensei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ともだち100人 できるかな
tomodachi hyaku nin dekiru kana
I wonder if I can make a hundred friends
ともだち tomodachi – friend(s)100人 hyaku nin – a hundred peopleできる dekiru – can; ableかな kana – I wonder if…?
100人で かけたいな
hyaku nin de kaketai na
I’d like to run with a hundred friends
- 100人で hyakunin de – with a hundred people (children)
- かけたい kaketai – want to run (駆ける kakeru run; race; dash)
- な na – (stresses the thought)
日本中を ひとまわり
nipponjuu o hitomawari
Go around throughout Japan
- 日本中 nipponjuu – Throughout Japan (Japan is normally nihon, but nippon is often used for the grandiose factor)
- ひとまわり hito mawari – go around; make a tour (一回り)
ドッシン ドッシン ドッシンと
dosshin dosshin dosshin to
Stomp, Stomp, Stomp!
- ドッシン dosshin – (sound of feet stomping)
- と to – (shows how they would go around Japan)
Verse Three
ichinensei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ichinensei ni nattara
When I become a first grader
- 一年生 ichinensei – first grader (can be elementary, junior high, or college, but the context makes this obviously elementary first grade)
- になったら ni nattara – become (になる to become)
ともだち100人 できるかな
tomodachi hyaku nin dekiru kana
I wonder if I can make a hundred friends
- ともだち tomodachi – friend(s)
- 100人 hyaku nin – a hundred people
- できる dekiru – can; able
- かな kana – I wonder if…?
100人で 笑いたい
hyaku nin de waraitai
I’d like to laugh with a hundred friends
- 100人で hyakunin de – with a hundred people (children)
- 笑いたい waraitai – want to laugh; smile (笑い to laugh ~たい want to)
世界中を ふるわせて
sekaijuu o furuwasete
Make it vibrate throughout the world
- 世界中 sekaijuu – throughout the world
- を o – (direct object marker)
- ふるわせて furuwasete – make quiver; shake
ワッハハ ワッハハ ワッハッハ
wahhaha wahhaha wahhaha
Wahhaha, haha, haha!
- ワッハハ wahhaha – Haha! (laughing)
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