Whether you are a beginner or intermediate, let's break down a few famous lines from Natsume Souseki's I am a Cat.
If you would like to read the entire first chapter (which is kind of a standalone short story), click here.

While the story may be too challenging for beginners, I highly recommend all students of Japanese memorizing at least the first line. It's about a cat who would love to spend all his time napping but ends up critiquing the humans (and cats) around him. Learn more about the story or listen while reading by clicking here.
Let's go through a few fun lines from the story.

I am a Cat...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
The most cruel of the human species...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
About his master, the scholar...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
The truth as seen by the cat...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
He can be honest too...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
Andrea del Sarto...
「へえアンドレア・デル・サルトがそんな 事をいった事があるかい。ちっとも知らなかった。なるほどこりゃもっともだ。実にその通りだ」と主人は無暗に感心している。金縁の裏には嘲けるような笑が見えた。
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
The last line...
Translation, Notes, and Vocabulary
I hope you enjoyed this quick look at a few fun lines. If you feel ready to tackle the story, please click here for the audio and an English translation. If you are a beginner, I would recommend at least memorizing the first line. You'll be amazed how useful it is in conversation.
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