

June 30, 2021

JLPT N5 Reading: John’s Diary #1

John's Diary #1

ジョンさんが ()いた 日記(にっき) #1 です。 
()んで 質問(しつもん)に (こた)えて ください。

きのうは、としょかん に ()きました。(ほん) を たくさん ()みました。 でも、かりません でした。かえりに、 コンビニ(こんびに) で ざっし と  べんとう を かいました。日本(にほん)の コンビニ は、とても べんり です。

Notes & Vocabulary

Quiz Answer Explanation

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  • I have just found your site and this is honestly amazing! I’m Russian trying to learn Japanese and I am really glad for this to exist! Thank you for audio version of the text, the test is also helps a lot!

    • Excellent question! When written as “#1” it is usually pronounced ナンバーワン (number one), but it could be written as 一番 which would be いちばん. It may depend on the speaker, though.

  • Sound quality seems better on this web site than in the downloaded reading/sound files. Are they the same recordings? Both are excellent set of resources for N5. Many thanks.

    • Should be the same. However, the player that opens the downloaded MP3 could have a different playback setting as your browser audio player.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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