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The Kanji Readings & Meanings
のぞむ:ぼうもう - hope, desire, to expect 願望 gan bou - desire, wish, aspiration
失望 shitsu bou - disappointment, despair
ハッブル望遠鏡 habburu bou en kyou - the Hubble telescope
よう leaf, leaves 合い言葉 ai kotoba - password
押し葉 oshi ba - a pressed leaf
葉書 ha gaki - post card
やぶる:やぶれる - to tear, break 読破 doku ha - read through a book, finish a book
島破り shima yaburi - escape from exile on an island
はいやぶれる - be defeated 失敗 shippai - mistake, blunder
連戦連敗 ren sen ren pai - succession of defeats
ばい - times X, double 二倍 ni bai - twice, double x2
倍増 bai zou - double
はかる:りょう - quantity 雨量 u ryou - rainfall, amound of rain
記憶容量 ki oku you ryou - memory capacity
ryou - amount, quantity (of something)
ばくむぎ - wheat 小麦 ko mugi - wheat
蕎麦 so ba - soba, buckwheat noodles
麦茶 mugi cha - barley tea
ばく - to explode 原爆 gen baku - atomic bomb
爆弾 baku dan - bomb
爆発 baku hatsu - explosion
はこ - box ごみ箱 gomi bako - garbage box, trash can
主の箱 shu no hako - the Ark of the Lord
巣箱 su bako - nest, hive (bees)
はたはたけ - a field 畑地 hata chi - farmland
野菜畑 yasai batake - vegetable garden
はだ - skin 鳥肌 tori hada - goose bumps, get goose pimples
肌寒い hada samui - chilly
はっほうほっ - law 憲法 ken pou - constitution
忍法 nin pou - the ninja arts
無法者 mu hou sha - an outlaw
はな - nose 鼻が高い hana ga takai - to be proud
鼻血 hana ji - nose bleed
はなす:ほうはなつ:はなれる - let go, separate 解放 kai hou - liberation, release
追放 tsui hou - exile, banishment
放射性 hou sha sei - radioactive
火炎放射器 ka en hou sha ki - flame thrower
生放送 nama hou sou - live broadcast
はばふく - width 増幅器 zou fuku ki - amplifier
幅跳び haba tobi - the long jump
はやしりん - woods, forest 林間 rin kan - in the forest
林檎 rin go - apple (kanji not used)
林道 rin dou - nature path, trail through the woods
はらふく - belly, stomach 空腹 kuu fuku - hunger, empty stomach
復笑い fuku warai - a Japanese game like 'pin the tail on the donkey'
はらう:ふつ - to pay, to clear away 支払い shi harai - payment
酔っ払い yopparai - drunkard
はんばん - judge 小判 ko ban - Koban, old Japanese coin
裁判 sai ban - judgement, trial
評判 hyou ban - reputation, fame
はん - print, publishing 英語版 ei go ban - English edition
吹き替え版 fuki kae ban - dubbed version (videos...)
はん - to sort, generally 一般的 ippan teki - generally, typically
全般的 zen pan teki - universally
はん - to sell 自動販売機 ji dou han bai ki - vending machine
通信販売 tsuu shin han bai - mail order
ばん - order, turn, watch 一番 ichi ban - #1, the best, favorite
交番 kou ban - police box
夜番 yo ban - night watch
ばん - evening 一昨晩 issaku ban - night before last
一晩中 hito ban chuu - all night, over night
- not, not good 是非 ze hi - certainly, of course
非金属 hi kin zoku - non-metal
非常に hi jou ni - extremely, very
ひき - counter for small animals ひつ - equal, comparable 一匹 ippiki - one animal
馬匹 ba hitsu - horses
ひつふで - brush, writing 悪筆 aku hitsu - poor handwriting
万年筆 man nen hitsu - fountain pen
ひょうへい - a soldier 伏兵 fuku hei - soldiers in an ambush
兵営 hei ei - barracks
びょう - a second 数秒 suu byou - a few seconds
秒読み byou yomi - countdown
ひんびんまずしい - poor, poverty 貧乏 bin bou - poverty, poor
貧血 hin ketsu - anemia

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By Clay & Yumi